Introduce Yourself : Hello, my name is Candace by Candace Odili

Candace Odili

Hello, my name is Candace

I am new to the filmmaking industry but experienced in stories. I have recently finished a video editing and production program and am finishing for my Media Business degree. I know the importance of a good film depends on the greatness of the crew creating it. My goal in starting a profile is to create a great team to develop great films with.

Thank you for your time,


Candace Odili

Thank you CJ. I appreciate it

Vera Brooks

Welcome, Candace!

Matteo Friend

Nice to meet you Candace!

Joanna Karselis

Nice to meet you Candace! If you're ever looking for a composer for your films, get in touch!

Candace Odili

Thank you all. I appreciate it.

Shawn Speake

Welcome, Candace! Holler at me if you need assistance with the site, or navigating your way to the next level of your career. Always here for U

Candace Odili

Thank you Shawn. Will certainly do.

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