Introduce Yourself : Award Winning Composer by Joel Irwin

Joel Irwin

Award Winning Composer

I'm a composer/orchestrator. Here are some details:


two of the films won best of awards, "Gift Of Grace" (best kidvid) and "The Door" (best documentary). I have won "best score" (Hotline) and been nominated for best score (The Last Command). One of my produced films (Elegantia) which I scored won at a 48 Hour MVP competition and then went to Filmapalooza and placed second to Paris. Elegantia and Gift Of Grace can be seen at (along with some other performances). I provide you with a private link for "The Last Command". "Turning The Hands of Time" which released earlier this year showed at a few festivals and is now available on Amazon.

Some of my music can be heard at You may be particularly interest in a compilation of four film scores that premiered at the 168 festival in downtown LA at the end of Aug: to all of the above films are at thie icompositions location.

I have scored 8 films so far this year. 7 have released. One was with a filmmaker from Rodondo Beach, CA ("Wood And Stone" - You may be interested in hearing the score for the unreleased on "Doorbell" ( since it is a bit different from the other 7 I have done this year.

Check out the "Composing" lounge here on I am a major contributor and that lounge is full of my posts/blogs.

Joel Irwin
Joel Irwin
Composer arranger songwriter & multiaward producer
Jim Westlyn

I think you'd be a great guy to talk to.

Joel Irwin

Msg me here or at

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