Introduce Yourself : My name is Diogo by Diogo Pinto Da Silva

Diogo Pinto Da Silva

My name is Diogo

Hello! I m newbie here around, one more brazilian living in LA (about 3 years), I have been work in my short film script and finally! I m getting in there! A good friend screenwriter show me to this creative community and soon I will share my work with you and send some invitations! Because I believe that we are stronger together :)

Keith Arrington

Thank You!!! For reaching out Diogo, you're right we're stronger together, God bless you in what you do.

Meraxes Soneu

Welcome Diogo!!

Leslie Cidale

Boa sorte com seu filme, Diogo, e bem vindo ao grupo!

Diogo Pinto Da Silva

Thank you !!

Allen Lynch

Welcome Diogo!

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