Introduce Yourself : Hello again; by Franki Alden

Hello again;

I thought I would take the time to re-introduce myself. Over the past year I have been thinking up and idea. An idea that never revealed it's full self to me, until last night. It is a company called 'Thriving Projects' with it's main goal to document things that people may not fully understand yet. The idea is that it is going to be a documentary series and each 'Season' will contribute to a different cause.

Now I have already started getting some of the plans together, but I need some volunteers from all over the film industry. If you have any skills you feel may be eligible, then please do get in touch! LONDON, GREATER LONDON.

Thank you so much for allowing me to be able to share this project.


Ricky Zalman

Keen to follow this Franki!

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