Good places to submit an original pilot?
Best to shoot a "Proof-Of-Concept" trailer to supplement script submission?
I came across Amazon's link below.
Was there also something similar for Netflix? Hulu?
Good places to submit an original pilot?
Best to shoot a "Proof-Of-Concept" trailer to supplement script submission?
I came across Amazon's link below.
Was there also something similar for Netflix? Hulu?
Cool. Thanks for sharing!
Not that I’ve been jabbed by Amazon, I actually think they are great, but make sure you’re okay with them handling everything should they choose your script. Just an FYI, read the fine print!
Amazon Studios is closing this submission process in the next month so make sure you get yours in now or never! :)
I also think the more the better. You can shoot and edit a teaser trailer from the very piece of hardware you are consuming this content on right now. Just do it. If you want any info or advice, please feel free to reach out to me here on Stage 32 and I’d be glad to help.