Introduce Yourself : Actor/Writer Approaching 2018 Fresh and Renewed with a Better sense of purpose and creativity by Ryan D. Canty

Ryan D. Canty

Actor/Writer Approaching 2018 Fresh and Renewed with a Better sense of purpose and creativity

Hey Everyone!

Ryan here....Pittsburgh, PA. A longtime member of Stage32! I haven't posted in a while. 2017 was a rough ass year for me professionally, personally, and creatively.

I didn't hit any of the goals I had as a writer. Yet, I did hit them as an actor with improv and gaining more confidence on stage.

With writing: I realized that I didn't have any idea of WHO I was as a scribe and also, I wasn't even remotely as comfortable as I believed myself to be with what I was writing. So, I didn't write as much. It was frustrating. But, in hindsight, I realized that I needed time away from writing to really figure out what moves me as a creative and what inspires me to write...

I'm close to discovering that answer. But, I'm approaching that answer and 2018 with just a better sense of self and determination to produce as a writer: be more active here, networking, applying to contests, etc. So, instead of saying that I"m a writer and not having anything for show, I WILL have something to show.

And, I missed everyone here and this place.

That's it...I need to run - I have an actor's resume to put together for what is actually my first audition for a theatre project - Improv (This cool project that's paid:

Enjoy your week, everybody!


Jeanne Young

Here's to an amazing 2018!

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