I’m honored to be among such impressive talent. I’m a writer who recently formed a production company. https://purehybridmedia.com/ Given my 6’9” height I also play some unusual roles – even if I prefer writing well-grounded tall tales. I have a few reality show pilot scripts and formats, one for a prosocial startup competition which will interact with a mobile game in real-time, thanks to A.I. I also have a couple of single-camera sitcom pilots, one for a sci-fi series that showcases high-tech products while the other has elements both for faith-based and mainstream audiences. It’s probably no surprise that I live in “Silicon Beach,” CA, and write about hybrid innovation.
Hello John! Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you John!
Thanks for the greeting!
Btw - I'm looking for a CTO &/or expert in AI-driven mobile game development. This might not be the best forum to mention it, but if you have a potential referral, please let me know. Thanks. You can also reach me at John@purehybridmedia.com
Welcome to the site! I'd love to chat tall tales with you sometime!