Hello ....I’ve had a talk show “Wake up with Dr. Cheryl” now, for 5 3/4 Years.... MSNBC considered my (our) show and the industry has changed so rapidly that streaming is Now and the old paradigm is going to end. So, they are not taking on new shows..... all 150+ shows are on YouTube and most social media. It is educational and inspirational....we have a podcast started too!!!
We focus on The relationship with Wealth and Unconditional Love....♥️
Nice to meet you Cheryl.
Have you considered finding distribution for your show through other outlets, or streaming outlets? Send me a PM and maybe I can connect you to someone.
Hi Mark,........I have spoken to 3 different people who said they could market my show or at least test it online and they have not shown me that they know how to do this. Yes, I am looking for a way to get all my shows out to monetize and expand the network. Thank you for your mentions....I need all the help I can get on this level......My focus has been getting guests, shooting shows, producing and editing......I need more time !!! Like all of us....lol.....or to multiple myself.....