Your Stage : Finished festival tour and now released by Shiva Rodriguez

Shiva Rodriguez

Finished festival tour and now released

"The Family Way: Coming Home" is a short film that I directed and co-wrote. It started its festival run in May of 2017 and has won a few awards along the way. The festival run just ended on a high note by winning Best Screenplay for a short at the Macabre Faire Film Fest in January 2018.

It's now available on Amazon Prime and Amazon Video.

This film is actually a prologue to a feature film in development that we a currently seeking investors for on WeFunder. More info about the feature film and this short can be found on the website at

Allen Lynch

Congratulations Shiva!

Gourav Chakraborty

Heartiest Congratulations! If you ever need the services of a Video Editor, feel free to ping me up!

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