Animation : Price by Tori Rice

Tori Rice


Hey guys, I had a question on price charge for animations/effects. I am a recent beginner at animations and mainly use after effects and know a little about blender. So far I have people wanting me to create animations or just doing effects for them and I am not sure what is too cheap and what is too expensive for me to charge. I would like some opinions on what is an appropriate price range. Thank You!

Bob Harper

Anywhere between $30-$50 an hour, depends on experience and your situation.

Tori Rice

Ok thank you!

Gary Smiley

That kind of money would be great but it seems like people don't want to pay and animation, at least for me, takes hours. Good that your finding work, can I ask, has it been through this website? Or freelance?

Bob Harper

I've been working for studios for the past 20 years and these are the standard rates. For freelance I get $1k - $2k for one minute of2D footage, depending on the complexity.

Gary Smiley

Hi Bob, thanks for the info (on freelance). Did you 'break into' the animation industry on your own or out of school, if I may ask?

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