Filmmaking / Directing : Did you know? by Gregory Green

Gregory Green

Did you know?

What do Michael Bay, David Fincher, Ridley Scott, Guillermo del Toro and Edgar Wright have in common? They all started their careers making television commercials. Who reading this are making commercials and corporate videos but want to make feature films?

Rutger Oosterhoff

... and they all had to REFOCUS on telling a solid story, not only showing a pretty picture!

Gregory Green


Roy S. Ford

I love what you said there about REFOCUSing to tell a solid story.

Rutger Oosterhoff

Hey Roy, a horror writer ones told me he hated it that a director who came out of shooting comercials, always fucked up his screenplays because he only wanted to shoot pretty pictures and had now idea how to tell a proper story.

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