Your Stage : How to Write Tension: Breaking Down the Prom Scene from Carrie by Daniel Whidden

Daniel Whidden

How to Write Tension: Breaking Down the Prom Scene from Carrie

De Palma's "Carrie" has one of the tensest scenes in film history. So I decided to break it down and see what made it work. Check it out:

Bill Costantini

I was at a Halloween party where a woman was costumed as Carrie from that scene. There was another woman costumed as the fully-possessed Megan from The Exorcist. And they acted the parts, too. Oh man...that was one crazy fun Halloween party.

Sam Borowski

I agree about this being a tense - and dare I say, disturbing - scene. Also, Carrie was the first major role - second Big-screen appearance - for two-time Oscar-Nominee John Travolta! (The Devil's Rain was the first and Saturday Night Fever was the third. ;) )

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