Introduce Yourself : Screenplay Writer by Syed Hussain

Syed Hussain

Screenplay Writer

Hey guys,

So a few days ago, while trying to find things about screenwriting in general, because I am fairly (very) new at it, I discovered Stage32. Thinking it might be just another platform with no actual purpose, ignored it. But then again I noticed it in a blog and thought, why not check it out and honestly, I am blown away in just 2 days. I live in a country which is as far from everything Hollywood as possible but it feels like I have the opportunity to discuss things, issues and with actual industry professionals.

So I would like to formally introduce myself. I am Marij from Karachi, Pakistan. I have been an aspiring writer for a long time, started a couple of novels, wrote a short story but nothing ever panned out. I always had this notion about writing a book just so that it would be turned into a movie one day. But it seems so obvious now but I never had the idea or frankly courage to tackle the screenplay form of writing until a couple of months ago. It happened overnight. I woke up one day and just researching screenplay, formatting and then youtube dived into the subject. Read 'Save The Cat' and Syd Field's 'Screenplay' and just decided to push everything aside and write.

The first screenplay I wrote was semi autobiographical and was very personal. After writing it, I cried a bit about my life and my choices. Next day, I got the idea for my next screenplay and I just finished writing all the cards/sequences, as recommended by Syd Field, yesterday. I would start the first draft very soon and hopefully like it enough, after all the revisions of course, to submit in a competition.

So, with all that said, I am grateful for such an exciting platform and am hopeful that I will be able to meet individuals that not only can help me with finding my voice but also, help them in any capacity I can.

Peace and Love,


Lukas Flemming

Heya! Nice to have you with us! All the best with the script!

Neal Reynolds

Finally did a bio! (After all, "what do I have to hide?")

Wayne Jarman

Welcome. You are in the right place!

Sam Borowski

WELCOME ABOARD Syed! Stage32 is GREAT! Make use of this wonderful platform! GOD BLESS and STAY FRESH! ;)

Adam Harper

Hello and welcome to Stage 32 :-)

Syed Hussain

Thanks everyone and yeah, I will try to utilise all the great avenues and opportunities available here.

Judith Ann Mc Dowell

I wish all here the very best of luck in your careers and may you be able to live your dream.

Heidi Schussman

Syed, I had the same thing! I've written several books and suddenly realized I needed to write a screenplay... so I did :)

Bobbiejo Warner

I enjoyed reading your intro!

Syed Hussain

Heidi Schussman Oh great. Knowing nothing about the screenplay rules and conventions, it felt so foreign when I started but thankfully, have settled a bit into the medium but moving from such an organic style of writing to writing screenplay was a challenge indeed.

Bobbiejo Warner Judith Ann Mc Dowell Thanks, so humbled to receive such warm welcome.

Judith Ann Mc Dowell

Hi Bobbiejo. You are very welcome. I love writing screenplays.

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