Your Stage : Lemon Tree theatre Climate Action Scratch night by Martina Cook

Martina Cook

Lemon Tree theatre Climate Action Scratch night

Chuffed to bits that my little play, “Monsters”, has been selected by one of Aberdeen’s (Scotland) theatres for the Climate Action Scratch night on the 20th of March! If you are around the city, join us to enjoy some interesting stuff!

Adam Harper

Congratulations Martina! :-)

Martina Cook

Thank you Adam! :)

Linda Hullinger

Congratulations! That's great!

Jim Hickey

Oh to be in the land of Robert Burns as six months of light approaches over the horizon. Here's an article about the bard himself, apropos some of the underpinnings of 'climate' issues:

Martina Cook

Thanks Linda...Jim, the “climate” of the night theme refers to climate change - weather/depletion of sea life/plastic pollution- :)

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