Hello you exquisite people. 2018 is my 50th year in the professional theatre. I'm still working flat out as a playwright and director. I have three commissions this year. One is completed and touring in the South West of England now. Another one tours the UK in October. In between I've commissioned myself to write one of my poetry-theatre events.
I don't do film or television as I realised long ago that you need to concentrate your efforts in one place. I have a YouTube site where I talk about what it's like to be a playwright in the Age of Untruth. It's called Blood and Bones. Look for it under Peter John Cooper. I like to help where I can and he older I get, the more I realise how little I know and I look to you younger folk to steer me where theatre is heading.
I do mentor one or two writers a year if I can be any help to them. You can catch my website on www.peterjohncooper.co.uk.
Write well. Write better.
Nice, Peter. It would be a pleasure to talk sometime. I know a playwright and he is good at dialogue. I write horror screenplays, hoping to break in. But my fellow creatives have me thinking about a back-up plan. Low-low-low budget specs!
Hi Myron. Always ready to talk. I think all successful horrors have been low budget. They get under your skin more. Good dialogue and characters and you can't go wrong. Best of luck.