Screenwriting : Direct your own script by Jeff Anderson

Jeff Anderson

Direct your own script

I want to be a writer-director. I want to direct my own scripts. I am aware screenwriters usually have no say in how their scripts are directed if they don't direct and just get their payment. Does anyone have any advice on how to convince the person I am pitching to to let me direct?

Dan MaxXx

You don't need permission to direct. Here's Ava's speech about removing a "desperation coat."

Constance York

Convince yourself to direct - not others. Others are probably not going to hand you money to direct your own film, unless you have proven yourself, so prove yourself- then ask for their money on the next one. Just my two cents. I'm fixing to do the same.

Lukas Flemming

Interesting... I have all but given up on directing until maybe I‘m a household name...

I‘ll try to get an advisory position to the producers/ director...

Darren Brown

If you don't want anyone else's input on your story, then don't bother with the film industry. Just turn it into a novel and make sure no one edits it. I'd like to see how that goes. Asking a production company to allow you to direct your own scripts will require you to be an established director first. In this industry, you will be surprised at good people are at what they do. A director may have different ideas from you, but that doesn't mean they're all bad ideas. I'm learning that directing is WAY more difficult than it seemed when I was just a writer and actor.

Sam Borowski

Two pieces: 1. Raise the money yourself. And, to do this, you may need to partner up with an experienced producer who can bring actors, an experienced DP to help you convince, your friends, family, crowd-funders and potential investors to take a chance on you. 2. The second write and direct an original short film - something small, but really original and cool. And, have some footage as a director to show others. Again, PARTNER UP with an experienced producer who can bring actors, a great DP, locations, etc, etc. Write the piece to be a small film in one to four locations that are gettable. YOU will likely have to raise the money yourself or put it in. You have to invest SOMETHING in your career. We've all done it. But, I promise you, if you get the right producer it will pay dividends! GOD BLESS and STAY FRESH! ;)

Beth Fox Heisinger

Dan M, thanks for posting that clip of Ava DuVerney's keynote address at the 2013 Film Independent Forum. She's got great real-world advice and practical tips for us all! Don't ask for permission! Create!

Captain Chambers

Hey, Jeff. Do what you want. If you want to be in the industry, then you have to play that game. But if you have an actual STORY and a VISION, then no one can take that away. Your audience may be small, but then again, you may reach millions. No one can say, and no has a right to. Keep your ears open, and follow your gut/mind/heart. Stories are suffering these days because there are too many fences and obstacles made for people. It is a saturated market and the odds are against you, but that is not defining of who you are or what you can do. Learn the tech yourself. Realize that even with experience, it is possible that you are not or will not be a good director. If you enjoy it, do it anyway! A lot of people thought or think that Ed Wood is worst director ever. Then why do people still enjoy his films? Because at the end of the day, he didn't care. Be uncompromising. If you have a vision, and know what you want, follow that. Work with friends. I don't know why people speak against this. There are too many people of lesser character that can muck up a shoot. Shoot with people you know. Search for creative solutions. Be open. Allow for mistakes and happy accidents. But as you listen, realize that you can disagree and still do it your way. I say, jump in. If it goes nowhere, then you still did it.

Dan Guardino

I never wanted to be a director but I did what Sam suggested and partnered up with a producer/actress that had a lot of experience and a lot of connections.

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