Hello! My name is Willie. I was born and raised in Anchorage, Alaska then moved to attend the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa. I'm continuing my business education as well. I have been involved with acting/theater since I was 14 and recently stepped into my writing talents as a screenwriter. I directed a few things in high school (very minor, I know), and wrote a ton of material and was involved with several projects as an actor. My biggest goal at the moment is to become a PA to obtain experience. I want to start from the bottom to learn the in's and out's of the business and know what I'm faintly getting myself into. I've never been anyone's leading Hollywood man, I've know this since high school. I've always had to prove myself in other areas so I have varying strong skills. Also, my acting teacher gave me the best advice that I've heard: create your own material for yourself. So I've been doing so for about 3-4 years, not just for myself but for others as well. I would love to tie my business experience and education in with my film career to create more opportunities for others to get their work seen. Excited to meet you all and hoping to build great realtionships with you all!
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Nice to meet you Willie.
Nice to meet you as well, Karin!