I feel like we all get stuck, mired down in routine at times and each day starts to feel the same old thing. It’s when we get excited, become engaged with those around us, with projects, activities and people we like, that we break out of that and start growing! Sometimes shifting it up, meeting new folks with different perspectives and with a passion for life, is so helpful towards giving us a perspective that can help us grow and to reach beyond that routine!
Join us Monday April 2nd here at The Box SF (1069 Howard St. San Francisco, CA 94103) to do just that. We’ll have a room full of cool people eager to meet you.
We’ve been selling out each month so get your tickets sooner than later please!
Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-art-of-active-networking-san-francisco-...
And this month…pay it forward and invite someone, pay for their ticket and give them a lift! It might be someone you know who is stuck right now! When you get here we’ll explain why that as a part of #MYGIVE4 is so important right now!
Make it a great week ahead!
Be Well, Be Creative, Be Great, Be Giving!
Mark E. Sackett (415) 602-9500