Introduce Yourself : New Screenwriter by Robert DiChiaro

Robert DiChiaro

New Screenwriter

Hey guys, I'm really excited to be on here. Writing is my passion, especially horror and sci-fi scripts. Would love to collaborate on here and bring my ideas to fruition. Take a look at my recent posts, and let me know what you think!

Kelly Krause

Welcome, Robert! Big fan of the horror and thriller genres, so I look forward to seeing you hone your craft... Hope Stage 32 provides the support you need. : )

Wayne Jarman

Welcome, Robert. Wishing you every success!

Adam Harper

Nice to meet you Robert

Brannon Jenkins

Hello Robert this is JJ Jenkins I was unable to get reach of you text me or call me pls asap

Joey Lanai

Nice meeting you Robert! I'm told it's a business of a million No's and that first YES! Hoping you get your YES soon soon soon! Keep doing what you're doing! ignore the nay sayers! :)

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