Introduce Yourself : Actor-Filmmaker by Mark Vasconcellos

Mark Vasconcellos


Hi! Hope everyone is well and working hard. Our newest movie RIVER (R) is being sold at the Cannes Film Market in a couple weeks, So I'm very excited. We were the #8 grossing movie on our distributors roster during the quarter (out of 400 movies)! We want to make more and better movies down in the Borderlands of NM and TX! Las Cruces just opened a 74,000 sq ft film production faciltiy and pricing is cheap! Unique sets too! Oval Office, Lear jet, Missile Silo and more! I helped make that happen, so lots going on down here PRODUCERS! Come shoot down here! Please check out our micro-budget crime drama RIVER (R) thnxs!

Mark Vasconcellos (Actor & Filmmaker)
Mark Vasconcellos (Actor & Filmmaker)
Actor/Filmmaker/Director/Acting Instructor #Actor #TVHOST #malfalcon

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