Introduce Yourself : Hey, every body. I am a tireless old guy by David W. King

David W. King

Hey, every body. I am a tireless old guy

Hey, everyone. My name is David W. King. I am a tireless old guy who for the past several years has worked with Michigan's film industry as a journalist/publicist/content creator. I have several groups on Facebook which I have created, as well as several pages.

I also have a blog which I have recently updated to which I am posting on weekends. I call it (that's MichiganMovieMedia2.0 Weekender.) I will be working here on Stage 32 to establish myself. But in the meantime, if you would like to stop by and say, "Hi!" I sure would enjoy the company. I encourage you to visit my blog and tell me what you think. If you are from the Michigan area, you may recognize some of the many people about whom I have written.

Aida Munoz

Nice to meet you on Stage32! Hope to bump into you sometime. Cheers!

David W. King

Likewise, Aida. I'm sure.

Steve Hamm

Hello David. Welcome aboard. I'm not too far away-Ohio. Will have to check that site out.

David W. King

Yes, Steve. I understand some really big things are happening in Ohio. Are you part of things down there?

Shawn Speake

Welcome, David!

David W. King

Thank you, Shawn.

Tony Ginn

I am a tireless old guy still looking for the Fountain of Youth at 69! I played B-Ball with the Adams Brothers from Muskeegan!

David Andrew Noble

Hello Everyone This Is David Andrew Noble and this is my brake out Year as a Writer, Director and Editor. I am Chairman Of the Board " Stripped Clean Television With A Higher Purpose and Founder of Lorain Film Commission

Diane Knight

Welcome to Stage 32! x

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