Screenwriting : One opinion is not general consensus by Paul Zeidman

Paul Zeidman

One opinion is not general consensus

Feedback on a script. You know you need it.

But here’s the thing: everybody will give you their thoughts on your script. They’ll tell you what works for them and what doesn’t. However, it’s more than likely their view is going to be different than yours.

That doesn’t necessarily mean they’re right and you’re wrong. It’s what they think, and you can take it or leave it.

When I was starting out, I figured the person giving me notes was more experienced than I was (why else would I ask them for notes?), so they must have known better, so I’d implement their suggestions without hesitation.

The result – my scripts were getting away from what I wanted them to be and becoming more of the other person’s.

Which is the total opposite result I wanted.

Only after constantly working and studying and rewriting did I get to the point where I’ll now get notes and have no qualms thinking “You make a good point, but I don’t agree with it.”

Sometimes a note will be the total opposite of what others say, which makes me take a closer look at it. I may still disagree with it, but it’ll make me think.

I’ve been on the giving end of that too; I give somebody notes, and am occasionally told “You’re the only one who said that.”

You can get notes until it seems like you’re heard from every single writer on your list of contacts, and no matter what any of them say you should or shouldn’t do, you’re the one driving this bus.

You are the one – the ONLY one – who knows what’s best for your script.

Sean E. Davis

I agree. If you take the criticism in a positive light, that doesn't mean you have to change your story. It did get me to reflect on what I wanted to get across, and make good changes to my stories.

Pierre Langenegger

Notes are merely suggestions, you don't have to take them or use them. I always include this line in the notes I give, "These are my observations. Take what you want and ignore the rest"

Paul Zeidman

Pierre - I usually say something along those lines too

Mike W. Rogers

The one thing about Feedback is, your paying for someone to find fault in your screenplay. If they can't find something they don't like, then they are not doing their job. That being said, I have found consistency among most of the feedback I have received and after some amount of time, am able to incorporate those ideas into my screenplays.

Paul Zeidman

Michael - this is more about getting feedback & notes from other writers, but you make a very valid point.

Dan Guardino

I never get feedback.

Mike W. Rogers

Thanks Paul, didn't mean to veer off topic there!!

Wayne Taylor

I usually get feedback from 3 people before I even think about rewriting. I usually start with the common problem each feedback brings up. After that, I look at the other "suggestions " and see how, or if, they can be used.

Reliable Reliance Udoenyin

This is way much confident boosting. Thanks Paul

Jorge J Prieto

Excellent and uplifting advice! Thank you Paul.

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