Screenwriting : Your academy awarded script by Raymond J. Negron

Raymond J. Negron

Your academy awarded script

Hello Stage 32-ers, if one of your scripts were to be nominated with an Academy Award for best script. What one of all the scripts you've written would be nominated, and WHY? That script, because... Hope you enjoyed that question and it's a fun exercise of why we write. Sending you all unconditional love. :)

Kevin Carothers

sigh The curse of the script writer is that the script that they MOST are proud of is the one that goes nowhere.

But hey - for me? I have a period piece from the Revolutionary War that is about a romance between Colonial and British spies. It would be nominated for It's historically accuracy, great action and magnificent costumes, and it's depth for showing the true international conflict of what can arguably called the first "world war" in human history.

The script will prolly be buried in the trash bin of history.

Dan MaxXx

I wrote a movie called "Vatos" which was my urban version of "Rich man, Poor Man" by Irwin Shaw .

Story about 2 brothers- a lawyer and an ex con. Both find out the game of life is rigged. family relationships - right and wrong sides- have always been my base.

All the stuff I imagine - fights & guns - are eye candy for plot.

The script ran out of Time, craft, care, money. Put in a dvd box and move on. But man, Vatos could've been up there with "On the waterfront" or "Boyz in the hood." Oh well, I would accept a raspberry award.

Rosalind Winton

My one and only script (so far) called The Postcard, which is a short, based on a true story about my Great Grandparents. Great question Ray.

Roberto Dragonne

In my case a script called "Faithfully", a family drama with a powerful ending.

Steven Harris Anzelowitz

My first script 'HOPE SAVES MANHATTAN' it is based on a true story that I was a part of in 1985. It is posted here on my LOGLINE page if anyone wants to take a read. Yep that is the one I would want the OSCAR for.

Victor Titimas

I don't think I'm worthy of such an honor or ever be...

But let's play: It was 5 pm when I got that call. I was happy. The agent sent a limo to pick me up for the ceremony. I did take the prize...

Then, I walked home. The next day, I went to the theater where another one of my movies was running. I stood there, watching as people crowded to see it.

Men and women, rich and poor, old and young. All entered. All waiting to see something I wrote. What an amazing power to wield. Imagination made into pictures.

I didn't enter. Instead, I bought some soda and chips. The waitress smiled at me. But the bag hit the floor, as five gunmen stormed the hall. I took cover. I grabbed the waitress as we fled.

But we can't run forever. I took down one of them. A SWAT team was on its way. I grabbed a gun from the victim. I shot the multiple attackers.

The waitress helped me. In a brief exchange, she told me she was in the army. Military intelligence. Irak. I sounded the smoke alarm. Bathroom. Other attackers enter the scene.

The sounds of wet floor betrays them. Me and the girl ambush them. One down.

Bullets fly. Another one. People panic. We calm them down. The movie still runs.

People watch as in trance. We fight the last ones. Then, bullets hit the screen. It shatters. I get hit.

I crawl, while firing to the rogue attackers. I squeeze the memory stick that contains my treasure. My screenplays.

One of them tries to grab it and we struggle. The waitress is down. I fight. The stick slips. I go after it. Dodge bullets.

I hit the floor again. They approach like a pack of raptors. Fake SWAT. I grab it and whisper as I fade:"Never take away my dreams. Never make me give up".

This gives me power and I wrestle. Always one hand on the stick. With the other, I lay waste to them.

The girl and I hug. We kiss in front of the screen ruins. The audience watches, still enthralled.

A cold whirlwind sweeps the area, as the vents fall. The theatre decays slowly, but we still kiss. And the audience still watches.

The roof collapses around. And we decay along. And in the end, the stick is all that stands.

As ages pass, it lies there, waiting to be unleashed.

And once again, young and old alike, rich and poor, gather to watch the dreams made pictures, the dreams that never die.

Sorry, I couldn't help myself from writing(from a mobile phone)...:)

Doug Nelson

I promised my granddaughter that I would receive an OSCAR before I die. I'm pursuing that goal to encourage her to set s goal and go for it - trying and failing is better than not trying at all. That said, I'm working on a FL script titled 'The Guardian'. It's built around a young (upper 20s, low 30s) female lead. I'm going to polish it until it shines like OSCAR gold.

Raymond J. Negron

Great answers guys "Keep working towards your greatness." I'm on a rewrite now and it's 10 pages a day 6 days a week.

Phillip E. Hardy, Prolifique

Good question. Only modesty prevents me from answering.

Kevin Carothers

Dan MaxXx

Is the script online somewhere?

Dan Guardino

My favorite screenplays all suck. The one I hate the most would probably have the best chance according to the producer and the director which doesn't surprise me because my taste in films is different than the kind of movies that get nominated.

Raymond J. Negron

Well, that's too bad Phil, because no one knows you to be modest. I see you as a guy who would walk in a room bare buns and naked. Phillip E. Hardy, Prolifique Dan Guardino Absolutely, great answer Dan I'm crying that's so funny.

Ryan McCoy

Just to add my $’s a fun question, but I hope no one on here actually believes they will win an Oscar for best screenplay. There is so much now that goes into awards season that it’s a ridiculous ideology. Why do we even give a shit about Oscars in the first place? Why not just focus on creating amazing stories that can then be told using a visual medium and maybe change a life or two? Sorry if I come across as negative, I just want honesty and truth. Haven’t seen it in my industry in a long time. Just a lot of mouths yappin’. I truly hope for the best for all of us on here and my door is always open to anyone who wants to chat.

Rosalind Winton

Ryan, I don't think anyone here is that naïve, it is a fun questions, but there is still no harm in dreaming big, that's what keeps us motivated and driven and after all, everyone who has won Oscars had to start somewhere, so there is always hope :)

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