Screenwriting : The Clues to a Great Story by Raymond J. Negron

Raymond J. Negron

The Clues to a Great Story

I 100% consider myself a great story teller as the great things that comes from our stories is that we communicate to other people about "Who We Are?" "What we are in search of?" "What the story means to us?" What peaks our curiosity to dive deeper on this story and why we chose this facet to tell it?" SOme questions to ponder. Add your own?

Here's a LINK to Andrew Stanton's "Ted Talk." If any of you have not seen this, it's a much watch if your interested in peaking that curiosity in your inncer child's mind, body and soul of... WHY you write?

I do feel like he' reading his life story on the monitor as he explains about being a premature baby (curious about that). Nonetheless a great learning video. Hope you enjoy! Let me know what you think BELOW?

Rutger Oosterhoff

"Drama is anticipation mingled with uncertainty".

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