Introduce Yourself : Kai Films is now a real thing! by Derek Johnson

Derek Johnson

Kai Films is now a real thing!

Hello, Stage 32 friends. I am the owner of I direct Narrative and corporate videos. I started Kaifilms because my love for storytelling has evolved into full-fledged filmmaking and building a team of talented people to help me create. I own a fair amount of gear and can source just about anything. I built my production assets with help for my mentors like Werner Herzog and an insane amount of research to be able to produce medium budget projects in-house. I am looking for people to work within the Seattle and LA Markets. Let's chat about how we can help each other!

J. Lee

Look forward to connecting with you with the development of my various projects where the intersection of the Chinese and American stories, from the days of the 1920s till now, that are fascinating tales of our common faults to our strengths are always evident

Derek Johnson

Hi J. Lee! Hows your projects coming?

Mark Schaefer

keep us updated!

J. Lee

Finishing the third draft of the script. Exploring various tax incentive areas or China to shoot

Tony Ginn

I have been a Member of Sag-Aftra ( Seattle Local ) since 1978 Contact Shellea Allen -ED or Chris Compte for additional Resources! 206-282-2506 Washington Film Works Amy Lillard - ED!

Mike W. Rogers

Good to meet you, Derek.

Steve Hamm

Hello Derek. Welcome

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