I`m a filmmaker, actor and digital artist from Mexico, looking to fund and film 2 projects this year. Look at my teasers and contact me, looking to make friends here with similar interests.
I`m a filmmaker, actor and digital artist from Mexico, looking to fund and film 2 projects this year. Look at my teasers and contact me, looking to make friends here with similar interests.
Hello, l have been on Stsge 32 for a long time. Love the site and want to start a few new one day shoot collaborations here in California.
I have 1080p cameras, lights, sound and editing system. If you have a great location let's talk.
James Adam Tucker
OnWeb Television
IMDB - http://www.imdb.me/jamesadamtucker
Resume - http://www.lacasting.com/jamesadamtucker
Website - http://adamtucker.us
Acting Reel - https://vimeopro.com/onwebtelevision/adam-tucker-film-acting-samples
THE OTHER WIFE - https://vimeopro.com/onwebtelevision/the-other-wife-adam-tucker
I have a great location, and actors, post production, etc. but I still need funding for the other expenses like food, DP, crew, etc. Any ideas ?
Leopoldo, all of the best.