Do you have any recommendations of great script consultants? How was you personal experience with them (if any)? Was it worth it? I'm particularly interested in professionals working within the action / thriller / horror genre. Since starting to use them I never used anyone else and that's been a while. Excellent notes, reasonable rates. Think several of the readers work in those genres. There may be 10% off too.
Yeah, John. Bottom of main page, and a small banner at the top of every page: First Time Customers Get 10% off - Use Coupon Code FIRSTTIME10 At Checkout
Personally, I would find someone willing to meet face to face, sit in same room and discuss notes. You’re not only paying for notes, you’re also paying for an ally, a champion of you and your material.
Notes are better. Night and day. There are also objective and subjective viewpoints. The OP posted for objective feedback that's not self-serving.
One can have an ally, a champion, who will Facetime, have an email or phone conversation. How is someone in a rural area, Smalltown USA, going to sit in a room with a reader in LA or NYC. A ticket to the reader's city could cost more than five sets of notes.
I talk to writers all the time, even some in the same city. The feedback they get more than assures them I'm in their corner. As does the company I went out on a limb to recommend.
And a lotta ground in flyover country. If there's a reader in Helena, Montana, forward their contact info.
I'm a writer as well. The old saying is, "I think my script is great. Who else thinks so?" Forest for the trees kinda thing. Not finding where your script is at is goofy, for any writer. (Except those who either don't care or are established and making the big buxxx.)
You have to submit and be accepted by Scriptshadow. Very few are accepted. Your script must have been quality. I personally find Reeves a bit rough and curmudgeonly.
I still prefer a mentor I pay who will be very critical, offers great suggestions yet wraps their notes in a friendlier package. Glad it worked for you.
I suppose there's a sense of accomplishment in pitching Reeves and him reading, but scared money never wins. I also dislike notes to be public.
A female screenwriter on another site writes, "I'm kinda getting my ass handed to me over on Scriptshadow right now. It's very public and hurts a bit." The process of improving a script does not need to be painful. Why do that. Writing is difficult enough without being publicly flogged.
Reeves, a self-proclaimed 'terrible screenwriter', is not produced, nor has he a sale. My preference is a mentor who has sold, has been produced or developed a script that has been produced. These are the people who know how to make a script marketable - if that's what you seek.
Stage 32 has several choices for script coverage. Check out the "NEXT LEVEL EDUCATION " tab. If you want to go outside and make sure you get your moneys worth I would ask for 3 references of writers that have used that consultants service. Also using a script consultant based in NYC or LA sometimes is an advantage as these are still the established centers of writing for both FILM and TV.
I used them multiple times including script reads and consulting calls with Agustine Calderon and Sarah Cornelius. Best experience possible. They were so passionate and went beyond the hour I booked. The notes were not just about the script, but market viability. Both led to face to face meetings and interest in seeing the rewrite at no charge. I have another with Julia Glausi with Endgame coming up soon. I don't understand why writers use services where they have no idea who is reading their work! Even more so given that one popular service who got exposed for using college kids to read scripts! People still ignore that fact! Nope. Give me a call with someone. I can ask questions and get truths I won't get elsewhere.
It also costs $299 and takes 3 weeks. Most coverage firms focus on marketability, so no big deal there. Reputable firms bio the readers and list credentials. So nothing extraordinary here either. They also have follow up.
If there's a service doing a disservice it should be exposed by name.
The read I got here was like from a college kid. Glad it worked out for you. Mine was useless and a waste of my hard earned $$$.
Pamela Bolinder, "Carson Reeves" is a pseudonym. His real name is Christopher Eads. His practices are considered rather unethical. He was a tennis instructor in Chicago and then moved to LA looking to become a screenwriter and director. He studied all the guru books, read a ton of screenplays—he's self-taught, like most of us. He started his site and blog Scriptshadow to deconstruct professional efforts and to interact with other aspiring writers. The site did not do very well until he began blogging about films in development and posted publically his critique of their screenplays—without permission and before a work is even completed. "Reeves" appears to be some kind of "insider" when he is not. He aggrandized himself into some false position of power. Many in the industry feel his focus on scripts in development is a Trojan horse for his efforts to monetize the ScriptShadow brand so he can make lots of money charging new writers $500 to $1,500+ to read and personally evaluate neophyte efforts. Whatta racket. Personally, I find the whole thing disturbing, especially how some aspiring writers seem to flock to him. He has received several cease and desist orders from studios. But, hey, to each their own. If you feel "Reeves," really Christopher Eads, helped you, then that's your experience. But before any writer pays anyone—especially someone who charges similar rates as those who are truly top in the field—always do your due diligence first.
Pamela Bolinder I charge $1000 for read. I give 0 notes but give you 2 complimentary tickets to Carol King on Broadway. And if I really like your script, I will forward to the Owner of a top management agency. For some odd reason, he thinks I know something. Hurry. My schedule is free now until baseball starts again on Friday.
My two cents, if you can find a mentor who can meet with you personally, face-to-face, that really is the best way to go—in my humble opinion—as that's been my experience. I met my mentor, a V.P. of Development, by attending a talk in which she was a speaker. So get out there and meet people! If your options are limited to mostly online services... then look for services in which YOU can choose the person to whom will review your work. Do your due diligence on that person—is she/he a good fit for you, your script, and your creative intent? Will that person also work with you over the phone? Or through Skype? Websites with anonymous readers and reviewers typically don't offer such services, so you may not truly know what you are getting. Look for the most personable services. Hope that helps! ;)
Pamela, as explained above... it's really much more than that. There's been much posted here about Mr. Eads (Reeves) over the years. But again, to each their own. ;)
Standard Coverage, James. Who's the "popular service who got exposed for using college kids to read scripts!" Where is this documented?
Though I did buy Pitch sessions with two separate Execs who never called. I waited and waited. It was like pulling teeth to get a refund, and was told they called and I didn't answer. That was BIG BS.
For the most part I enjoy this site. For the collegial community. But they'll never get another dime from me. There was recently a long, long thread about Ramo Law in which the OP and several others had difficulties with services outside S32 but hosted by them.
I know some have had success with services here, and good for ya. But there's a lot of negative opinion as well. If the powers that be truly care they'd assure a truer course for all. Otherwise, it comes off like money grab.
Tony that information can be found with a search online. College kids posting on their LinkedIn resumes that they are reading for a hosting service that so many give money to! There was a Facebook group about a year ago that exposed this. I've deleted my Facebook.
I see on your standard coverage. But that's makes my point. I want to always know WHO is reading my script. I wrote in and worked with a guy named Nick who led me to Agustine and Sarah and my calls which turned to meetings. I can't get that with anon coverage and it was well worth the extra money. Nick took the time with me and answered every question.. I've also done 3 pitches and had a very positive experience, a read and feedback that altered my stories before presenting my work to Agustine and Sarah. Don't take this the wrong way but I read some of your other posts in your other threads and you seem slightly angry and bitter about many topics.
Not the same as inferring a reputable company hires college kids and misrepresents who reads.
Reads turn to meetings (as many happen in LA as there are cars on the 405), and turn to sales? Are there any? Then you make my point and S32 uses anonymous readers. The large coverage firms list their readers with similar and better creds than here. Like someone here has the market on answering questions. C'mon.
Don't take this the wrong way but no one should care what pixels on a screen think about them. I don't. I have an opinion, state and stick by it. You don't know me, and I not you. But as long as we're being honest on that limited basis, you seem to be obsequious and too fervent. That makes for an unreliable and unbalanced point-of-view.
BTW, didn't know you were a fan. Like an autograph?
Like I wrote before from my limited experoence. There are a lot of scavengegers out there ready to prey on new writers. There’re are some good ones too, but given the lack of regulations in the field I’d say it tended to lean toward the scam. (Used loosely) Must be true since this site constantly loops topics back to this discussion.
Let’s face it. Because we trying top compete in a field that literally anybody can try (not saying be good at) and still is one that has the dream of rags to riches for some (I know it’s not really like that but outside world portrays it that way.) it’s easy to prey on the dreams of people with big eyes.
It’s like the lonly house wife thinking she’s being courted by the picture of a dashing young hero sent to her on the internet. But she’s only being duped out of her money by a fat man in a sleeveless t-shirt in Somalia (Don’t read into the country) We as writers, want to find that magical person who will take our work to the promised land.
I once coached an internet billionaires son - back in the late 80’s he told me the internet will prove to be the best recent invention of man and the absolute worse thing that could happen to him because of the ability to be anonymous. He referred to it as the Wild West all over again.
(Then again he offered me a share in an upstart ATM company - I refused saying “who would ever pay for their own money. “ SO I”M AN IDIOT - what do I know)
I would never get notes unless I absolutely knew who the reader was or somebody I really trusted recommended them.
Even a return phone call does not prove who they are and what they’ve done. It’s just a voice.
That's exactly what happened. They say 5 years industry experience minimum and hire college kids. You may not have a problem with that. I do.
Twisting words seems to be an MO too! If you can pick an executive for coverage as seen here it's not anon. That's the service I used! Combative for combative sake is not appealing. Unreliable and unbalanced indeed! Keep your autograph and your posts! On to more positive things and people!
Still, doesn’t mean they personally read it. The bigger the firm the more underlings. If I call Microsoft about an IT question, doesn’t mean Bill Gates is answering it. They can read readers summary and go from there.
This sentence is clear: "Even more so given that one popular service who got exposed for using college kids to read scripts! " It says the service was popped for using. Not how it was twisted when pressed. Now that's an MO. What's that popular, contemporary phrase? Oh yeah, fake news.
In all this anyone using any service, especially PayPal, has no risk. If you're hacked off and feel you didn't get what you contracted for, complain to either Paypal or your CC provider and demand a chargeback.
I've used Trottier. He's good, but it wasn't extensive for improving the script - problems without recommendations for betterment. It's like super coverage with no market analysis. And he's expensive ($400 some odd) with only 10% off a second pass. His coverage left me to discern how to correct issues.
I got more from gurus' analysis for less, and a second pass is nearly 30% less.
Gustavo, another popular consultant/script editor/novelist/teacher/writer is Lucy V Hay ( I personally have not used her services, so I have no experience, but I do own one of her books—Writing and Selling Thriller Screenplays. :) Another consultant/mentor/teacher is Max Adams ( Again, I personally have no experience with her services either. She has classes, a book, etc, as well—The New Survivor's Guide to Screenwriting. Both are members of S32 as is David Trottier (, author of The Screenwriter's Bible. ;) But if you are looking for someone in development, then do peruse those executives made available through S32 Happy Writers. Best to you!
Creative license. ;) In US vernacular "wrote the book" means an unimpeachable expert, including those who have or have not physically written books, and despite the number of books. And I used her as well.
I made the mistake of going to her way too early. She works (or did) only with hardcopy and nearly every page was crossed off. Yikes! Well worth it for more advanced writers - not newbies who may be eviscerated. I did learn a lot.
Producer Regina Lee did some fine script consulting for me when she was listed on this site and recently provided me some market advice that proved very helpful as I've begun interacting with film folk interested in my work. She can be reached via LinkedIn (where there's a lot of info on her background) or Twitter.
Yup, Regina Lee can be reached via LinkedIn and Twitter. She is also available through S32 Happy Writers—First 10 Pages Coverage. She did a Next Level Class for S32—How to Hook Your Reader in the First 5 Pages. Great class! Regina used to be a member of Stage 32 and does some script consulting as well. I personally have not used her (not yet, but I hope to!) and cannot speak to her consulting, per se, but she certainly has provided some legitimate, current market advice that has held up. Among her LA projects, she's currently developing an indie movie with Charles Murray, EP of Netflix’s LUKE CAGE, former Co-EP of SONS OF ANARCHY, and who is writing an HBO movie produced by Tyler Perry. ;)
Thanks for the shoutout, Phil! I'm always happy to help over at No Bullsctipt Consulting. Either way, please please dont waste your money on mr. Carson Reeves. He doesnt even read the scripts. Use someone who has actual experience in the industry. And always know who's giving you notes! no anonymous comments by "readers".
Again, Regina Lee is available through S32 Happy Writers, and she can be reached via LinkedIn and Twitter. Her S32 membership account is now inactive, frozen.
No. Not true, Tony. Again, Regina Lee can be reached through the means given above. 'First Ten Coverage' through S32 Happy Writers is but one option. You certainly can reach out to her independent of S32—clearly. She does indeed do script consultation and/or advises, depending. She also volunteers much of her time to non-profits like CineStory. Please stop the false assumptions. It's not helpful. It misconstrues and can cause damage to the community.
Love this thread. Major shortcut for anyone willing to listen and take-in the benefit of others' experiences. That's what's so great about this stage. (I was planning to soak it all in, in stealth-sponge-mode, but I had to give props to BETH. - You rock. :)
She does coverage not only here but out in the wild, in the industry, and she script consults/advises aspiring screenwriters—hence she provided the other means of contact. ;) She also just did a free talk for ScriptRevolution. ;) If anyone would like further information about Regina Lee here at Stage 32 then reach out to Nick or Allen with Happy Writers:
The Boss said, "...One of the most sought after coverage consultants we have..." Perhaps for S32's internal use, but not the users unless they seek her outside these four walls.
Huh? Why so cynical? Yes, she is a highly sought-after consultant here (S32 HW) and is available to members. She's a working producer making her own choices. Sorry, there's no hidden agenda or secret handshake.
Pamela Bolinder perhaps check out Danny Manus' profile page—he's a "pro," a former director of development, exec, a producer, consultant, etc, etc, etc. And what Danny is alluding to had nothing to do with him personally, per se, as far as I'm aware (?), it had to do with members who stepped over professional boundaries and ignored individual submission policies. A few rude bad apples caused damage to the community. Me, I certainly try to be a "communicator." LOL! I'm just an aspiring creative (like many members) who volunteers time here at S32. I try to help where and when I can, and share resources and information.
There are lots of different people here communicating in their own way. This thread started with a member trying to assist another who asked for help. And that was the only reason for the response.
What a boring world it would be if we were all alike.
Hey Pamela, yes, i am a pro. Not sure why Beth put quotes around that but i will assume it was for emphasis and not sarcasm lol. She is right that i was referring to some members who in the past started taking a bit of advantage of time and submission policies, but I was also referring to the fact that when the dozen or so Pros on here actually DO post or answer messages in the boards, they are often met with a large number of aspiring creatives who dismiss and even insult their advice. Such was the case with Regina and to a lesser extent myself (since she posted way more than i used to). And for people who charge for their guidance professionally, it's a bit annoying when people disparage you and constantly challenge every thing you say when you're just trying to help - for free. So, i think it chases some pros away...And so we tell everyone that we'd be happy to help thru our social media or websites or paid consulting services. That said, Regina is amazing and a wonderful resource.
Gustavo- As you can see from the passionate responses from your fellow "HAPPY WRITERS" there are many, many choices both here st stage 32 and elsewhere. I hope you find the right one.
Danny, both you and Regina are valuable assets to this S32 forum. But you're right about there being a number of dismissive & insulting wannabes that brings up the question "why bother?".
Tony S., I've tried Script Gurus and received their notes. I really liked it! It was deeply thought and the price was reasonable. Thanks. By the way, thanks for all the tips here, to everyone. I'll make sure to, at least, check all the services and names that were recommended. Valuable stuff!
1 person likes this Since starting to use them I never used anyone else and that's been a while. Excellent notes, reasonable rates. Think several of the readers work in those genres. There may be 10% off too.
1 person likes this
Tony - Just looked didn’t see 10% off. Is there a code or something.
1 person likes this
Yeah, John. Bottom of main page, and a small banner at the top of every page: First Time Customers Get 10% off - Use Coupon Code FIRSTTIME10 At Checkout
Great tip!
1 person likes this
Personally, I would find someone willing to meet face to face, sit in same room and discuss notes. You’re not only paying for notes, you’re also paying for an ally, a champion of you and your material.
Notes are better. Night and day. There are also objective and subjective viewpoints. The OP posted for objective feedback that's not self-serving.
One can have an ally, a champion, who will Facetime, have an email or phone conversation. How is someone in a rural area, Smalltown USA, going to sit in a room with a reader in LA or NYC. A ticket to the reader's city could cost more than five sets of notes.
I talk to writers all the time, even some in the same city. The feedback they get more than assures them I'm in their corner. As does the company I went out on a limb to recommend.
There are consultants everywhere besides LA or NY.
Good for you supporting screenplaygurus. And if you’re talking to writers all the time, why use a service.
Anyways no need to reply. Gotta catch the subway.
I'll reply anyway.
And a lotta ground in flyover country. If there's a reader in Helena, Montana, forward their contact info.
I'm a writer as well. The old saying is, "I think my script is great. Who else thinks so?" Forest for the trees kinda thing. Not finding where your script is at is goofy, for any writer. (Except those who either don't care or are established and making the big buxxx.)
Don't forget to stand behind the line.
You have to submit and be accepted by Scriptshadow. Very few are accepted. Your script must have been quality. I personally find Reeves a bit rough and curmudgeonly.
I still prefer a mentor I pay who will be very critical, offers great suggestions yet wraps their notes in a friendlier package. Glad it worked for you.
I suppose there's a sense of accomplishment in pitching Reeves and him reading, but scared money never wins. I also dislike notes to be public.
Reeves must like you.
A female screenwriter on another site writes, "I'm kinda getting my ass handed to me over on Scriptshadow right now. It's very public and hurts a bit." The process of improving a script does not need to be painful. Why do that. Writing is difficult enough without being publicly flogged.
Reeves, a self-proclaimed 'terrible screenwriter', is not produced, nor has he a sale. My preference is a mentor who has sold, has been produced or developed a script that has been produced. These are the people who know how to make a script marketable - if that's what you seek.
Stage 32 has several choices for script coverage. Check out the "NEXT LEVEL EDUCATION " tab. If you want to go outside and make sure you get your moneys worth I would ask for 3 references of writers that have used that consultants service. Also using a script consultant based in NYC or LA sometimes is an advantage as these are still the established centers of writing for both FILM and TV.
I tried the services here once. And moved on.
4 people like this
I used them multiple times including script reads and consulting calls with Agustine Calderon and Sarah Cornelius. Best experience possible. They were so passionate and went beyond the hour I booked. The notes were not just about the script, but market viability. Both led to face to face meetings and interest in seeing the rewrite at no charge. I have another with Julia Glausi with Endgame coming up soon. I don't understand why writers use services where they have no idea who is reading their work! Even more so given that one popular service who got exposed for using college kids to read scripts! People still ignore that fact! Nope. Give me a call with someone. I can ask questions and get truths I won't get elsewhere.
It also costs $299 and takes 3 weeks. Most coverage firms focus on marketability, so no big deal there. Reputable firms bio the readers and list credentials. So nothing extraordinary here either. They also have follow up.
If there's a service doing a disservice it should be exposed by name.
The read I got here was like from a college kid. Glad it worked out for you. Mine was useless and a waste of my hard earned $$$.
2 people like this
Pamela Bolinder, "Carson Reeves" is a pseudonym. His real name is Christopher Eads. His practices are considered rather unethical. He was a tennis instructor in Chicago and then moved to LA looking to become a screenwriter and director. He studied all the guru books, read a ton of screenplays—he's self-taught, like most of us. He started his site and blog Scriptshadow to deconstruct professional efforts and to interact with other aspiring writers. The site did not do very well until he began blogging about films in development and posted publically his critique of their screenplays—without permission and before a work is even completed. "Reeves" appears to be some kind of "insider" when he is not. He aggrandized himself into some false position of power. Many in the industry feel his focus on scripts in development is a Trojan horse for his efforts to monetize the ScriptShadow brand so he can make lots of money charging new writers $500 to $1,500+ to read and personally evaluate neophyte efforts. Whatta racket. Personally, I find the whole thing disturbing, especially how some aspiring writers seem to flock to him. He has received several cease and desist orders from studios. But, hey, to each their own. If you feel "Reeves," really Christopher Eads, helped you, then that's your experience. But before any writer pays anyone—especially someone who charges similar rates as those who are truly top in the field—always do your due diligence first.
1 person likes this
Pamela Bolinder I charge $1000 for read. I give 0 notes but give you 2 complimentary tickets to Carol King on Broadway. And if I really like your script, I will forward to the Owner of a top management agency. For some odd reason, he thinks I know something. Hurry. My schedule is free now until baseball starts again on Friday.
1 person likes this
Tony who was the executive you chose?
2 people like this
My two cents, if you can find a mentor who can meet with you personally, face-to-face, that really is the best way to go—in my humble opinion—as that's been my experience. I met my mentor, a V.P. of Development, by attending a talk in which she was a speaker. So get out there and meet people! If your options are limited to mostly online services... then look for services in which YOU can choose the person to whom will review your work. Do your due diligence on that person—is she/he a good fit for you, your script, and your creative intent? Will that person also work with you over the phone? Or through Skype? Websites with anonymous readers and reviewers typically don't offer such services, so you may not truly know what you are getting. Look for the most personable services. Hope that helps! ;)
Pamela, as explained above... it's really much more than that. There's been much posted here about Mr. Eads (Reeves) over the years. But again, to each their own. ;)
Standard Coverage, James. Who's the "popular service who got exposed for using college kids to read scripts!" Where is this documented?
Though I did buy Pitch sessions with two separate Execs who never called. I waited and waited. It was like pulling teeth to get a refund, and was told they called and I didn't answer. That was BIG BS.
For the most part I enjoy this site. For the collegial community. But they'll never get another dime from me. There was recently a long, long thread about Ramo Law in which the OP and several others had difficulties with services outside S32 but hosted by them.
I know some have had success with services here, and good for ya. But there's a lot of negative opinion as well. If the powers that be truly care they'd assure a truer course for all. Otherwise, it comes off like money grab.
2 people like this
Tony that information can be found with a search online. College kids posting on their LinkedIn resumes that they are reading for a hosting service that so many give money to! There was a Facebook group about a year ago that exposed this. I've deleted my Facebook.
I see on your standard coverage. But that's makes my point. I want to always know WHO is reading my script. I wrote in and worked with a guy named Nick who led me to Agustine and Sarah and my calls which turned to meetings. I can't get that with anon coverage and it was well worth the extra money. Nick took the time with me and answered every question.. I've also done 3 pitches and had a very positive experience, a read and feedback that altered my stories before presenting my work to Agustine and Sarah. Don't take this the wrong way but I read some of your other posts in your other threads and you seem slightly angry and bitter about many topics.
Beth Fox Heisinger you always give me a smile with your thoughts
Not the same as inferring a reputable company hires college kids and misrepresents who reads.
Reads turn to meetings (as many happen in LA as there are cars on the 405), and turn to sales? Are there any? Then you make my point and S32 uses anonymous readers. The large coverage firms list their readers with similar and better creds than here. Like someone here has the market on answering questions. C'mon.
Don't take this the wrong way but no one should care what pixels on a screen think about them. I don't. I have an opinion, state and stick by it. You don't know me, and I not you. But as long as we're being honest on that limited basis, you seem to be obsequious and too fervent. That makes for an unreliable and unbalanced point-of-view.
BTW, didn't know you were a fan. Like an autograph?
Like I wrote before from my limited experoence. There are a lot of scavengegers out there ready to prey on new writers. There’re are some good ones too, but given the lack of regulations in the field I’d say it tended to lean toward the scam. (Used loosely) Must be true since this site constantly loops topics back to this discussion.
Let’s face it. Because we trying top compete in a field that literally anybody can try (not saying be good at) and still is one that has the dream of rags to riches for some (I know it’s not really like that but outside world portrays it that way.) it’s easy to prey on the dreams of people with big eyes.
It’s like the lonly house wife thinking she’s being courted by the picture of a dashing young hero sent to her on the internet. But she’s only being duped out of her money by a fat man in a sleeveless t-shirt in Somalia (Don’t read into the country) We as writers, want to find that magical person who will take our work to the promised land.
I once coached an internet billionaires son - back in the late 80’s he told me the internet will prove to be the best recent invention of man and the absolute worse thing that could happen to him because of the ability to be anonymous. He referred to it as the Wild West all over again.
(Then again he offered me a share in an upstart ATM company - I refused saying “who would ever pay for their own money. “ SO I”M AN IDIOT - what do I know)
I would never get notes unless I absolutely knew who the reader was or somebody I really trusted recommended them.
Even a return phone call does not prove who they are and what they’ve done. It’s just a voice.
That's exactly what happened. They say 5 years industry experience minimum and hire college kids. You may not have a problem with that. I do.
Twisting words seems to be an MO too! If you can pick an executive for coverage as seen here it's not anon. That's the service I used! Combative for combative sake is not appealing. Unreliable and unbalanced indeed! Keep your autograph and your posts! On to more positive things and people!
1 person likes this
Still, doesn’t mean they personally read it. The bigger the firm the more underlings. If I call Microsoft about an IT question, doesn’t mean Bill Gates is answering it. They can read readers summary and go from there.
This sentence is clear: "Even more so given that one popular service who got exposed for using college kids to read scripts! " It says the service was popped for using. Not how it was twisted when pressed. Now that's an MO. What's that popular, contemporary phrase? Oh yeah, fake news.
Happy trails, Bucko,
Was that to me, drago
In all this anyone using any service, especially PayPal, has no risk. If you're hacked off and feel you didn't get what you contracted for, complain to either Paypal or your CC provider and demand a chargeback.
Well said John Iannucci
In the words of the 90’s. “Can’t we all just get along!” LOL
You lead us in "Kumbaya." :)
1 person likes this
No John Iannucci
No thanks to the $50 discount. Appreciate it and thank you, but I found greener pastures.
4 people like this
Here are some consultants you may wish to consider:
1) Danny Manus (No Bull Script)
2) David Trottier (Screenwriter's Bible). He's a bit more money than some.
Haven't used them myself but they both have good reputations.
Good luck.
I've used Trottier. He's good, but it wasn't extensive for improving the script - problems without recommendations for betterment. It's like super coverage with no market analysis. And he's expensive ($400 some odd) with only 10% off a second pass. His coverage left me to discern how to correct issues.
I got more from gurus' analysis for less, and a second pass is nearly 30% less.
Sure, Nick.
2 people like this
Gustavo, another popular consultant/script editor/novelist/teacher/writer is Lucy V Hay ( I personally have not used her services, so I have no experience, but I do own one of her books—Writing and Selling Thriller Screenplays. :) Another consultant/mentor/teacher is Max Adams ( Again, I personally have no experience with her services either. She has classes, a book, etc, as well—The New Survivor's Guide to Screenwriting. Both are members of S32 as is David Trottier (, author of The Screenwriter's Bible. ;) But if you are looking for someone in development, then do peruse those executives made available through S32 Happy Writers. Best to you!
Try Linda Seger. She's $1500, and wrote the book. Literally.
Yes! Dr. Linda Seger ( She wrote not just "the book" but many many books. I have them all! Also a member. ;)
Creative license. ;) In US vernacular "wrote the book" means an unimpeachable expert, including those who have or have not physically written books, and despite the number of books. And I used her as well.
2 people like this
Great tips, here! Thanks!
Good luck.
Linda Seger’s books are excellent. Some of the best I’ve read.
I made the mistake of going to her way too early. She works (or did) only with hardcopy and nearly every page was crossed off. Yikes! Well worth it for more advanced writers - not newbies who may be eviscerated. I did learn a lot.
I've considered Hague. It's $1800 or so. He has a great energy,
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Producer Regina Lee did some fine script consulting for me when she was listed on this site and recently provided me some market advice that proved very helpful as I've begun interacting with film folk interested in my work. She can be reached via LinkedIn (where there's a lot of info on her background) or Twitter.
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Yup, Regina Lee can be reached via LinkedIn and Twitter. She is also available through S32 Happy Writers—First 10 Pages Coverage. She did a Next Level Class for S32—How to Hook Your Reader in the First 5 Pages. Great class! Regina used to be a member of Stage 32 and does some script consulting as well. I personally have not used her (not yet, but I hope to!) and cannot speak to her consulting, per se, but she certainly has provided some legitimate, current market advice that has held up. Among her LA projects, she's currently developing an indie movie with Charles Murray, EP of Netflix’s LUKE CAGE, former Co-EP of SONS OF ANARCHY, and who is writing an HBO movie produced by Tyler Perry. ;)
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I'll ring in on this. Regina is fantastic. One of the most sought after coverage consultants we have and a phenomenal teacher.
Way to go BENSONHURST. Coverage here is well worth it!! CANARSIE OUT!!
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Thanks for the shoutout, Phil! I'm always happy to help over at No Bullsctipt Consulting. Either way, please please dont waste your money on mr. Carson Reeves. He doesnt even read the scripts. Use someone who has actual experience in the industry. And always know who's giving you notes! no anonymous comments by "readers".
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I'll vouch for Danny Manus and Regina Lee, too. Used them both and felt their insights were spot on.
That's odd, Regina Lee hasn't been on the site for over two weeks and has this posted in her Profile:
Account closed - I'm no longer active on Stage 32.
Thanks. Confusing as it was said "we have,"
Again, Regina Lee is available through S32 Happy Writers, and she can be reached via LinkedIn and Twitter. Her S32 membership account is now inactive, frozen.
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thats what happens when enough people think they know better than the pros... they make the pros not want to spend time helping for free anymore.
Well, if one is interested in only First Ten.... Guess you're out of luck for full coverage with Lee who S32 has.
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No. Not true, Tony. Again, Regina Lee can be reached through the means given above. 'First Ten Coverage' through S32 Happy Writers is but one option. You certainly can reach out to her independent of S32—clearly. She does indeed do script consultation and/or advises, depending. She also volunteers much of her time to non-profits like CineStory. Please stop the false assumptions. It's not helpful. It misconstrues and can cause damage to the community.
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Pamela Bolinder Danny Manus is alluding to past damage caused by some members.
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Love this thread. Major shortcut for anyone willing to listen and take-in the benefit of others' experiences. That's what's so great about this stage. (I was planning to soak it all in, in stealth-sponge-mode, but I had to give props to BETH. - You rock. :)
Yes, but only first ten here. Not as a coverage consultant here.
She does coverage not only here but out in the wild, in the industry, and she script consults/advises aspiring screenwriters—hence she provided the other means of contact. ;) She also just did a free talk for ScriptRevolution. ;) If anyone would like further information about Regina Lee here at Stage 32 then reach out to Nick or Allen with Happy Writers:
Good for her.
The Boss said, "...One of the most sought after coverage consultants we have..." Perhaps for S32's internal use, but not the users unless they seek her outside these four walls.
Objectivity dies in self service,
Huh? Why so cynical? Yes, she is a highly sought-after consultant here (S32 HW) and is available to members. She's a working producer making her own choices. Sorry, there's no hidden agenda or secret handshake.
If you say so it must be solid gold. What do I know.
Pamela Bolinder Thanks. I understand perfectly.
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Pamela Bolinder perhaps check out Danny Manus' profile page—he's a "pro," a former director of development, exec, a producer, consultant, etc, etc, etc. And what Danny is alluding to had nothing to do with him personally, per se, as far as I'm aware (?), it had to do with members who stepped over professional boundaries and ignored individual submission policies. A few rude bad apples caused damage to the community. Me, I certainly try to be a "communicator." LOL! I'm just an aspiring creative (like many members) who volunteers time here at S32. I try to help where and when I can, and share resources and information.
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You rock Beth Fox Heisinger
There are lots of different people here communicating in their own way. This thread started with a member trying to assist another who asked for help. And that was the only reason for the response.
What a boring world it would be if we were all alike.
I know, right! Speaking of eyeballs I have to get mine back to work. ;)
That's quite a change. You fought tooth and nail about Reeves. LOL
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Hey Pamela, yes, i am a pro. Not sure why Beth put quotes around that but i will assume it was for emphasis and not sarcasm lol. She is right that i was referring to some members who in the past started taking a bit of advantage of time and submission policies, but I was also referring to the fact that when the dozen or so Pros on here actually DO post or answer messages in the boards, they are often met with a large number of aspiring creatives who dismiss and even insult their advice. Such was the case with Regina and to a lesser extent myself (since she posted way more than i used to). And for people who charge for their guidance professionally, it's a bit annoying when people disparage you and constantly challenge every thing you say when you're just trying to help - for free. So, i think it chases some pros away...And so we tell everyone that we'd be happy to help thru our social media or websites or paid consulting services. That said, Regina is amazing and a wonderful resource.
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It was for emphasis, Danny. Lol! And just quoting Pamela. ;)
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Gustavo- As you can see from the passionate responses from your fellow "HAPPY WRITERS" there are many, many choices both here st stage 32 and elsewhere. I hope you find the right one.
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Danny, both you and Regina are valuable assets to this S32 forum. But you're right about there being a number of dismissive & insulting wannabes that brings up the question "why bother?".
I agree Pamela - It would be nice to cull the herd - and move on and upward - but it's a public forum.
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Tony S., I've tried Script Gurus and received their notes. I really liked it! It was deeply thought and the price was reasonable. Thanks. By the way, thanks for all the tips here, to everyone. I'll make sure to, at least, check all the services and names that were recommended. Valuable stuff!
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Took Tony's advice too. Will let you know what happens.
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Screenplaygurus wasverything Tony said it was. I’d use them again