Introduce Yourself : MODERN WESTERN NOIR...set in COLORADO...strong female protagonist by Brian H Shaw

Brian H Shaw

MODERN WESTERN NOIR...set in COLORADO...strong female protagonist

TIRED OF PC leading women? You don't have to be a slave to Progressive mind candy to rock a powerful female lead... in MORE DEADLY THAN THEY KNOW, corp exec CASSIE MARSON returns to the Colorado mountains of her youth when her fiancée is gunned down in a random act of violence... But her peace and solace is short-lived when she discovers evidence of tampering with the valley's spring water source...ONE WEEKEND... ONE VALLEY.... ONE WOMAN...ONE RETIERED RANCHER...ONE SNAKE-EYED LAND DEVELOPER... ONE LIFE CHANGIING COLLISION OF WILLS - and the realization we are all MORE DEADLY THAN we know !

My original screenplay is available for review by producers & indie production companies --or 35 to 50ish actresses looking for a powerful, against the grain rendition of a modern woman caught in a timeless struggle against greed and brute force... The real power is within... shoot me an email:

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