Introduce Yourself : Good day to all! by Olyvia Bollin

Olyvia Bollin

Good day to all!

New member here! Have no fear, my child actor is not running this profile ;) I am but the "executive assistant" behind her roar. I am thrilled to join the community and warmly welcome all creative sharing and knowledge. My daughter, Olyvia Bollin, is an actor. She is of the geek type - smart, kind leader with a sense of humor - but has also played the snarky, precocious tween. She never stops honing and never sits on her laurels because at 12, hey, there's a LOT to learn! The girl has a tempered "chutzpah" and an inner drive that, as her Mom, I can't even fully take credit's her core being. I'm just blessed to be along for the ride and offer my life experience to keep her grounded, directed and true to herself throughout her journey. Meeting wonderful people along the way is just the bonus of being in this industry - we look forward to all the possibilities!

James Drago

Cute post Mom!

Chad Stroman

Welcome Mom!

Robert Steacy

Great description Mom! With patience and positivity, it will be a wonderful ride to be sure!

Richard "RB" Botto

Welcome mom!

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