Thanks for the link Ryan. I had already come to the conclusion that most of the pay-for-access offers are a scam. And while many contests are not "scams" they are of little or no value to a writing career. Good script notes and educational programs are probably most worth the money. Just keep writing, learning, networking and if possible, PRODUCE YOUR OWN WORK. I think that is the best path to success.
Laura, I couldn’t agree more with you. I’m desperate to try and wake people up. The industry has been bullshitting people for decades and causes them months, of not years of false hope that can do a lot of damage, where if people were just open and honest to their face, I believe we could avoid that hardship. Thanks you guys for commenting on my post.
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Thanks for the link Ryan. I had already come to the conclusion that most of the pay-for-access offers are a scam. And while many contests are not "scams" they are of little or no value to a writing career. Good script notes and educational programs are probably most worth the money. Just keep writing, learning, networking and if possible, PRODUCE YOUR OWN WORK. I think that is the best path to success.
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As a newbie it’s what I’ve been saying on this site. A cottage industry for preying vultures.
3 people like this
Laura, I couldn’t agree more with you. I’m desperate to try and wake people up. The industry has been bullshitting people for decades and causes them months, of not years of false hope that can do a lot of damage, where if people were just open and honest to their face, I believe we could avoid that hardship. Thanks you guys for commenting on my post.