Screenwriting : Jump by Victor Titimas

Victor Titimas


How do you know your screenplay is good or bad? You use coverage, but I read many websites saying it isn't really an answer, as most services are there to get money off you... 

Read books, but I also read there are no rules, only guidelines. There is no magic formula, no secret.. 

Makes sense, but who are you to go against the masters who wrote them? On the other hand, creativity cannot be easily bottled and sold. 

Are screenplays subjective? Besides formatting(and I read it's ok sometimes not to adhere to it so strictly), how much freedom it exist?

With little to go on, and feedback seeking seen as not so ok, what else is there? :)

Sending your script out there without all these, is like jumping from a building without knowing where you'd land.. It could be water or a safety net, or the concrete... 

One wrong move and it's good bye screenwriting dreams... And it's scary. All I read scary, because there is no sure way to know if you were right or wrong... 

So, do you take the jump? Or wait more years to get more and more feedback until they say you are ready? 

I read that not even a recommend means much... :(  A pass doesn't mean it's a bad script. A recommend doesn't mean it is perfect... 

Do you wait or just jump and pray to get a good landing? 

Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"


IMHO, you seem to think too much in absolutes. I've made plenty of wrong moves and firmly believe my screenwriting endeavors are advancing in both ability and successes. The world never ends with one success or failure. If someone wants to pay you for your work, then that's a good barometer you're on the right track. I'm in this business to sell screenplays and try to get films made. And, I also happen to enjoy the process of crafting compelling stories. What are you in the business for? The only thing that scares me is not putting forth my best effort to succeed.

Padma Narayanaswamy

As you say a script coverage does not mean you will be produced . I also would like to say at this juncture some people edit grammatical errors i would like to suggest pl look for show and tell ie we tell more when we should show more . We should also not use nose dialogue .personally my dialogues tend to be more prosy I have some online freinds who worked for free . Once i shelled 30 US dollars . many agree that my story line is good .

Sam Borowski

Victor, If you are afraid to show your script to others, how can you ever show it to a producer, who might produce it? How can you show it to actors or directors? Or to investors? As Dan Guardino pointed out above, you are overthinking this. As for coverage, I do believe in it, but it depends on WHERE you go. And, I'm not talking about these sites, that read in bulk - I'm talking about people you trust who will give you intelligent constructive criticism. I show my scripts to various producers, exec producers, filmmakers and actors that I trust. I offer coverage service that is both honest and constructive with an eye toward HOW to get it made. That includes notes on different actors that are approachable - some that I know - suggested actors, producers (sometimes ... sometimes production companies that you might want to approach who might read an unsolicited script; some do, some don't) and if the budget is doable, potential ways to get the budget down (remember, EVERYTHING you write has a cost to it), as well as obviously the quality of the writing. If you are afraid to get those notes, how can you proceed forward in this business? But, remember, the only thing to fear is fear itself. People fear the unknown and right now it's just the unknown. Also, remember, KNOWLEDGE IS POWER! ;) GOD BLESS and STAY FRESH! <3

Dan MaxXx

It’s okay to be a Plumber... there are plumbing forums. Screenwriting & making movies for a living is not for everyone. Make this a hobby.

Jenna Hogan

Decide what the audience should feel and make them feel it (said Jason Katims...)

Make them feel it with your magical combo of perfect words.

Trust your gut. Not everyone is going to like you, your story, your style. Choose wisely. I got lucky. My readers/feedback providers are/ have always been working writers, actors, and fellow TV lovers. All met thru my work on my TV website.

I've never paid for coverage. I never will. Again, I got lucky! Hours long phone calls with an actively-employed and sought after TV writer is priceless. Now if only I could sell my series. #andme #dream #amillionlittlethings

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