Screenwriting : First Drafts! by Jared Moses

Jared Moses

First Drafts!

Any advice on how to shake off the rust and get out of your head going into your first, first draft after a long period away from doing them?

I feel so stuck in my head and feel its all garbage.

Jenna Hogan

Write the garbage....then rewrite it. Until it's gold! :D

Ryan McCoy


Gustavo Freitas

Try to write short scenes, even if you don't know where they are going to lead. Maybe write a short of 10-20 pages, which could later transform in a full script.

Anthony Moore

Figure out how it ends, write a good beginning, and then try to make the two match in the middle.

Steven Harris Anzelowitz

Scene cards helped me. I started doing that on my forth screenplay. Gives me some direction. So if I take a break I can always find my place where I left off. BTW- Learned this from Aaron Sorkin's Master class.

Wendy Jones

I read a new screenwriting book. Seems to re-enthuse me.

Deanna Harvey

I'm going through a similar phase right now. Something that is helping me focus on my career again keeping it at the forefront of my mind everyday. Thinking about it. Dreaming about it. These things get me excited and make me want to sit down and actually write. What kind of writing you do, doesn't matter. Maybe it's a char background. Maybe it's just jotting down notes as they come to you about a new story. Writing a random scene. Anything to get your mind refocused is a good thing.

Philip Mayes

Watch some brilliant movies that make you want to get up and create. They don't have to be in the same genre as you want to write, just as long as they're creative and motivate you. That always works for me.

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