Hello all! Since it's Introduce Yourself Weekend I thought I'd reintroduce myself. My name is Kristina Stagg, and I'm an aspiring author and screenwriter. I'm currently working on a MA in English and Creative Writing (including screenwriting courses). I've also started considering my hand at manuscript and script/screenplay reading. I live in Southeastern WI, so the internet is my best friend when it comes to networking, etc. At the moment I'm working on a short story for a course at school that I'm considering turning into a screenplay once the course is over. I'm also gearing up to do NaNoWriMo in November.
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Hi Kristina Stagg, it's nice to meet you! There's so many great, creative people in Wisconsin. Have you ever attended the Flyway Film Festival in WI? It's a great place to network: https://www.flywayfilmfestival.org/. Also, have you connected with John Radtke in your area? https://www.stage32.com/blog/It-Takes-A-Team
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Thank you, Amanda, I just sent John a network request, and I'm going to look into the Flyway Film Festival. I appreciate your recommendations!