Introduce Yourself : Introduction by Matt Burniston

Matt Burniston


Hi everyone, I've been subscribed here for quite a while but never really introduced myself. I am a Director & 3D animator who loves to tell stories. For the past 7 years or so I have been working on a short film series called The Mega Plush with my writing partner Kyle. We have 3 short films made, check out to watch them. We also have been working to make it in to a bigger production and have a pilot script ad the beginnnings of some pitch material. We are looking to talk to producers or anyone who would be able to help make our vision become a reality.

Roberta MacIntyre

Hey Matt I just watched your film. It's fantastic!! I hate lens flairs but the way you included some in the animation was super cool!! WELL DONE!

I'm producing a feature, "CATCH OF THE DAY", that is currently in develoment. We will quite likely need some VFX and am wondering if you would be interested in discussing what we need with the Director and I, and perhaps give us a cost estimate for what we want. More info about the film is here:

You can contact me through the film's website - I hope to hear back from you. TTFN

Michael O'Rourke

Well done on a labor intensive labor of love.

James Drago

Nice to see you and to connect.

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