Introduce Yourself : Howdy by Arthur David Payne

Arthur David Payne


Producer, Actor, Singer, Songwriter, Mule Trainer

Hey folks. I’m an Alabama country boy trying to make his way in the strange world of Hollywood, however I’m currently back in Alabama at the moment handling some family business. 

First of all, yes, I really did once work as a mule trainer. If you rode a mule into the Grand Canyon between 1997 and 2000, it probably came from the Reese Brothers Mule Company in Gallitin, TN, and I probably rode it first. 

Moving on, I’m making a re-entry into the entertainment business after a 20 year hiatus. Looking for opportunities as an actor, singer, songwriter, or musician. (I once had a record deal). 

I would love to collaborate with whomever might have something in my wheelhouse. Although I can speak in a fairly non-accented way, I do have a natural southern accent in my everyday life. (I can’t stand to hear a fake southern accent. I guess that makes me an accent snob). 

So, if you’re looking for a multi-talented country boy, who can also ride animals, shoot guns, build anything, fix anything, and occasionally perform calculus or quote fine literature and scripture, I’m your guy. Or, we can just go have drinks and be friends. I’m good with that too. 

Have a great day folks, and since college football season is almost upon us, I’ll close with “War Damn Eagle.”

(You thought I was going to say Rowh Tye didn’t you? Nope, I hate them. If Bama was playing the Taliban, I’d pull for the Taliban.)

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