Introduce Yourself : Hello from the ATL! by Charles Freeland

Charles Freeland

Hello from the ATL!

Greetings and welcome from Atlanta!

I'm a screenwriter, currently working on building my craft with the goal of switching careers into the film industry as a writer in the next few years. I've been writing and learning for about seven years. For the last two I've been writing consistently at least an hour a day (up to two to four most days) working on several stories. I treat it like a job, do it every day, no excuses.

I've mostly been working in a vacuum. Despite the amount of movie making going on here, I've had difficulty finding other writers in Atlanta. There are meetups, but they don't seem to be active, and a lot of the writer directors I've met don't seem to appreciate input or critiques (too much ego), which I find very off putting (none of us is perfect and we can't improve if we can't honestly look at our mistakes and flaws.)

I'd love to connect with other industry professionals to share work, to critique and learn from and to just absorb by osmosis everything I can.

I've lived a varied life. Been a single father, business owner, professional woodworker, craft bartender, motorcyclist, I'm going to Burning Man for my fourth time this year with my son. I fell I have a lot to say and a unique perspective on life (don't we all?) and I want to tell stories that move people. In the end, that's all that matters in my writing, that you felt something.

Hit me up! Lets do something!

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