Introduce Yourself : Producer | Line Producer | DGA UPM | Film Budgeting Expert by Jack Binder

Jack Binder

Producer | Line Producer | DGA UPM | Film Budgeting Expert

Hello, My name is Jack Binder. I Produced 'First Reformed', 'The Upside of Anger', 'Reign Over Me', 'Man About Town' with: Ethan Hawke, Kevin Costner, Adam Sandler, Ben Affleck, Colin Firth & many others. I am a Producer, Financier, Line Producer & DGA UPM.

Ron Kagan
Raymond Zachariasse

Welcome Jack. You already have a list of great titles there. As a first time producer of yet a small production I can only look with admiration at your list of productions. Filmbudget looks interesting. Eventhough I am busy with a short at the moment (thriller) I am hoping to go into features, if I can find the right team (the current director and I are also writers). Any inside tips on how to produc a small movie?

Shawn Speake

Wow! Welcome, Jack. Honor to have you here

Stephen Olson

As a writer I could not pass on sending out a network request. I am sending out some positive vibes on the possibility of future projects.

Jack Binder

Thanks all for the very kind comments. Great to be here on Stage 32! Great community! @ Raymond, watch every penny, budget frugally and keep to your budget. Wear a lot of hats, everyone on the team, get free locations. ;)

Tracy Lea Carnes

Oh wow, I went to your Sundance premiere of Upside of Anger. Was one of my faves of that year. Very cool to have you here.

Raymond Zachariasse

Jack, so far I wear all but the directors and actors hat :) So we need more people, but the ball is rolling. We're hoping to gather some money through crowdfunding. Free locations is a bit tough with a hospital :) And we also need an ambulance and the police :) But I will have the final screenplay tomorrow, so I can work on the break down and the budget. I know I can do it, but the director tends to think big :)

Raymond Zachariasse

Stephen Olson I did the same :) I think we could all learn from Jack.

Lisa Donini

Hi Jack. Looking forward to networking here. Hoping to get busy doing what I love! ;-)

Jack Binder

Thank you! Great to be connected with Stage 32 Members!

Zheng Lin

Hi Jack, I have completed 3 movie scripts for US & China markets with paranormal, fantasy elements in them (based on my three novels, which have been published in English & Chinese worldwide). Can you please connect me with someone who might be interested in acquiring the film rights. I have been tracking and studying the US & China film markets for years and understand the audiences' tastes. There are lots of opportunities in the projects. Thanks a lot!

Andreas Andersson

Welcome to the Squad.

Geoff Hall

Hi there, Jack Binder welcome. I hope you are doing well.

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