Screenwriting : Seeking collaborative screenwriter(s) for higher ed. academic-themed tv/web series (unpaid) by Malia Jade

Malia Jade

Seeking collaborative screenwriter(s) for higher ed. academic-themed tv/web series (unpaid)

Hi everybody, please delete if this is spam! 

I'm a composer, not a writer, but have had an idea for a tv/web series about adjunct college teaching in a music department(s) for a couple years now and am seeking screenwriters (female to start with) to collaborate and bring my storylines to fruition. Dramedy. Smart, funny, sad, realistic. Screenwriters who have been in grad school or know how to write about academia and its current climate. I don't know any screenwriters and I'm not a writer but I am a music storyteller. I have a PhD in music and have lived this life, watched my friends live this life, and it's a compelling story. Content galore and it hasn't been done. 

Hoping to collaborate with folks familiar with higher education issues, meaning, the current state of academia and the discourse on the plight of adjuncts. It's a lot of research so I'm seeking writers that are somewhat familiar with these issues. Also need some female perspectives and those familiar with #metoomovement and widespread feminist issues, college culture, politically progressive, as well as some knowledge in music. Think "Veep" meets "This is Us" meets "The Office" meets ?(something never done before). Overall, the theme is about underdogs. I have written a very rough treatment and bible with a 3-season arc, but again, I don't write scripts nor have ever produced anything besides music. 

I do know that a great project begins with the writing. I have a lot to contribute idea-wise, content, experience, stories, and tapping into the zeitgeist, but the script itself I cannot do. I envision several writers each taking over one storyline but able to blend storylines, as well. You can email me at with your thoughts on the adjunct professor situation and anything else. Thanks! -Malia

Kevin Bolger

If you have written the treatment and bible, then why not give it a go on the script also? You are in the unique position of; as you said, having lived this life. There's plenty of free software around, plus tons of scripts online. Read something in a similar genre and give it a go, but I would be happy to read the treatment anyway, I'm not a professional writer, I write in my spare time, would gladly send an example of my work if you like?

Malia Jade

Thanks for the comment, Kevin, but I just know when it's time to ask for help. It's not realistic for me to think I'm going to complete this with my business, college teaching, music producing, etc..I've been sitting on this for 2 years and need help now. I'm really looking for writers to collaborate with, but thanks anyway. All the best

Chad Stroman

Malia Jade I think you hit the proverbial "I am smart enough to know what I don't know and to seek out the help of those who do know" nail on the head.

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