Introduce Yourself : Searching for Documentary Film Subjects in Poland by Jonathan L Ramsey

Jonathan L Ramsey

Searching for Documentary Film Subjects in Poland

Hi, I'm an American from Chicago living in Warsaw, Poland for the past 8 years. I've made three small, independent documentary films in the past 3 years and am looking for a new story to begin filming in Poland this fall. Here is my YouTube channel, where you can see two of my films.

If anyone wants to meet in Warsaw and collaborate on ideas, I would be very interested! Please contact me at



Ramsey United
Ramsey United
Jestem niezależnym dokumentalistą z Chicago. Mieszkam w Warszawie od 13 lat. Pierwszą kamerę kupiłem w wieku 27 lat i pierwsze dwa filmy nakręciłem bez ekipy i bez budżetu. Potem zostałem ojc…

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