Producing : How to find an experienced producer for a project - Australia by Cem Bilici

Cem Bilici

How to find an experienced producer for a project - Australia

Hi all.

I've been developing my horror/comedy web-series with a Turkish background, Kebabs of the Dead, for a bit now and seeking an experienced producer to come on board.

What's the best way to approach people to come on the team?

At the moment I am casting to produce a teaser and cast wise looking great. I pitched it at the Melbourne WebFest a few months back and got great response and people approaching me saying they want to see this made, and from one of the judges from the state TV station.

Next step is hitting up the national and local state government film bodies for production funding, but they obviously want to know they're not throwing their dollars away and want people with experience on board.

I have a local well known script consultant committed to the project, but how does one get their foot in the door to speak about the project with a producer? I'm sure they get crap thrown at them all the time like TV people and do their best to avoid it. The other thing is, the funding bodies sound like they want someone with some genre and/or web series chops.

I'm off to Vidcon Australia this weekend but given its main focus on YouTubers, and my not being a networky type, not overly hopeful. Though having said that said state and national bodies are having a socialising drinks thing I've been invited to, as I'm sure are many many others.

Any suggestions and advise welcome :)


Patricia Poulos

Hi Cem,

Good Luck with this. I hope you get it off the ground. I'm afraid I can't help. I've got six finished scripts but the market here is such a closed shop, my mere name, locks the doors. Are you in Sydney or Melbourne?

Cem Bilici

Thanks Patricia. I'm in Melbourne.

Cem Bilici

I’m in talks with someone now who is doing some VERY interesting projects and seems just as excited as I am about the story. I guess perseverance and passion are the key? That’s been my takeaway from all this.

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