Introduce Yourself : Producter / Director Wanted by Gair McDonald

Gair McDonald

Producter / Director Wanted

I am an enthusiastic and passionate screenwriter who is looking for a Producer / Director looking for a new project to possibly take an interest in one of his screenplays which range from Drama to Horror.

Adam Harper

Hi Gair, nice to meet you. I'm in a similar boat. Recently I've connected with a variety of directors and writers etc, some based in Scotland. I might be able to give you some contacts perhaps if you want to message me.

James Drago

So what are you going to do to get interest?

Patricia Poulos

Hi Gair, Welcome to this crazy family of creatives.

Patricia Poulos

How thoughtful Adam Harper. I think that's why we're all here to help one another achieve their goals. A little kindness goes a long way.

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