Introduce Yourself : Pauline Hetrick by Pauline Hetrick

Pauline Hetrick

Pauline Hetrick

I have been writing since 1990’s when I wrote romance. Then in 1998 Screenwriting came into my life.I felt like I had found a friend. I had a illness which last a number of years. In 2015 a doctor found a chemical inbalance and righted it. Flooding back came the desire and knowledge. I started studying and writing. Which brings us to today with four feature length screenplays, three shorts to my credit later. I write everyday. Some days are more productive some less. I have mainly writing friends that I speak to everyday if lucky.

Pauline Hetrick

I have been a member of Stage 32 and find what I need herexto keep writing.

Shawn Flanagan

Glad you are healthy and staying busy doing what you love. Any short Thrillers?

Shelly Spotleson Sinclair

Wow, Pauline. Sorry you had to go through all that, but ...YOUUUURE BAAAACK!!

James Drago

Keep writing! Sent you an invite!

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