Producing : My film is playing at the LA LIVE Regal! I'd love to network with some producers and development execs while in town! by Shara Ashley Zeiger

Shara Ashley Zeiger

My film is playing at the LA LIVE Regal! I'd love to network with some producers and development execs while in town!

Hi Stage 32 friends! My film "The Red Lotus" is playing the Awareness Festival at the LA LIVE Regal 10/7. I'm currently shopping a feature version of this dramatic short, as well as 3 comedy series and would love to meet with some people in development while I'm in town. My log lines are on my stage 32 profile. I'm normally NYC based, but want to make the most out of the trip. I'll be in LA and free to take meetings 10/3-10/7. Who can I buy some coffee? 

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