Introduce Yourself : American Actress New to England by Leigh Ariana Trifari

Leigh Ariana Trifari

American Actress New to England

Hello! I'm a TV and Film actress who recently relocated to England for love and also love of the wealth of training opportunities here in the "land of the Bard". I'm interested in networking with directors, writers and fellow actors for creating original, compelling stories that can impact people to change. I love playing strong women up against challenges. I admire directors who are skilled in the art of storytelling and know their craft, inside and out, to make that happen. I have various screenplays in various stages of development.Would love to organize meetups for the various film festivals such as "Raindance" and BIFF and learn as much as I can from the UK film scene while I attempt to launch my career here. Please feel free to message me here and let's get the conversation started! Cheers!

Gerard Thoolen

Good luck with all you´re doing, Leigh !

Leigh Ariana Trifari

Thank you, Gerard! And good luck to you , too!


Debbie Croysdale

Hi and welcome.

Debbie Croysdale

Hi have you put your screenplays on Script Revolution? Its run by CJ who is Stage 32 member. The Strong Women Against All Odds scenario is featured, just mentioning cos you put that in your intro.

Wendy Kram

Thanks for the info about Script Revolution. I just looked them up. Good to know.

Wendy Kram

Thanks for the info about Script Revolution. Good to know. What is CJ's last name? I didn't see it listed on the website. I'm interested to learn more about the site, if industry executives use it as a resource, etc. so I can perhaps refer clients.

Debbie Croysdale

Hi Think his last name spelled Whaley. Apologies if I not given right spelling. There are also many Exec forums and pitch fests here Stage 32. I normally suggest London Screenwriters Festival but sadly I was told it was cancelled for 2019. Many execs from USA came Regents Park last month.

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