I am offering shares of my scripts. I have packaged 50 (yes fifty!) of my feature length scripts and am offering shares of this package. If you buy a share, you get 1% of ALL 50 scripts. If any of the scripts make money, you make money. After we sell one script, can you imagine the value of the other 49? Remember, shareholders would own 1% of all of them. I have already sold one script (shelved) and have had 2 others optioned, but not made. I will use the money raised to live in LA county and work at selling the scripts, getting representation, and finding producers, etc. Loglines available for all 50 scripts. Serious investors can read all 50 full scripts. Don't wait until I sell one. It will be too late. Only selling 20 shares. Feel free to contact me with questions or comments. Thank You,
Great Idea!