On Writing : Need Assistance with Formatting my manuscript for Lulu.com EPUB by Ashanti Altovese Griffin

Ashanti Altovese Griffin

Need Assistance with Formatting my manuscript for Lulu.com EPUB

Hi Stage 32 Family,

I need some assistance with formatting my poetic manuscript for Lulu.com through their EPUB upload. I have used their heading 1, 2, and 3 styles, title and copyright pages settings, and removed my table of contents but am still having problems with the conversion. Has anyone here been through the Lulu.com e-book process before? I would love to get some advice or example of exactly what they are looking for. My email is info@ashantialtovese.com if you want to contact me directly with your experience. Thank you!

Ekat Rin

Hi, Ashanti! I don't have experience with Lulu.com EPUB, but I have professional experience in graphic design and formatting, using various software. So, if you don't find anyone who has direct experience with Lulu.com EPUB, contact me, and I'll try to help you. (ekata823@yahoo.com)

David E. Gates

Lulu's ePub restrictions are a nightmare. I used them for my first book, but since then I've found draft2digital.com is a much better way of taking your Word document and getting it into ePub and Mobi formats, which you can then upload to Smashwords and Amazon to get very wide distribution. Lulu.com is okay, and worked for me initially, but they've never updated the interface or improved the experience for authors. Even uploading a revised manuscript requires a completely new project - which for me wasn't worth the hassle, not to mention the fact it wouldn't allow me to select the same price as my original manuscript-uploaded book on there. Use draft2digital.com and then try uploading that ePub to Lulu.com. Good luck!

Ashanti Altovese Griffin

Thank you both Ekaterina and David for your assistance. The draft2digitial has been great so far. I will let you know when my e-book goes live. Thank you!

David E. Gates

I'd use Draft2Digital and upload the ePub they generate to Lulu. It's much more user-friendly and you can upload a Word Doc. One of the reasons I never re-used Lulu.com after publishing my first book was the interface and the hassle it took to get a book on there. Even simply updating a manuscript meant starting a whole new project. The software has barely changed in five or six years. Despite having paid them to publish on their site, I was left to discover how to format etc., on my own.

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