Success Stories: NOV'4 Screening next weekend in the DC area...

Philip Sedgwick

Screening next weekend in the DC area...

For those in Virginia, Washington, DC and the central Atlantic coast, our short film about circumstances on the US-Mexico border, OTRO LADO, screens next Saturday at the Alexandria Film Festival. After a week of voting, what could be better than a Saturday evening at the movies... with evocative, inspiring films? Here's a link for tickets (by the way, several Stage32ers involved in the creation of this film!):

Jane Therese

Ahhh I just came back from DC. Do you have a trailer for the short Philip?

Jody Ellis

Exciting Philip! Hope it all goes well, wish I was going to be in DC during that time, I’d for sure go see it.

Philip Sedgwick

Thanks, Jody. While we were not there, we did receive word we had a great screening.

Jody Ellis

Oh wait, I just saw the date on this!!!! Thought it was still upcoming. Glad the screening went well!

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