Anything Goes : Novelist and blogster of Guerrilla Warfare for Writers. by Chris H Stevenson

Chris H Stevenson

Novelist and blogster of Guerrilla Warfare for Writers.

I'm Chris, and I've spent some happy years here, learning a lot from the film folks. I write SF, fantasy, thriller/suspense, paranormal, Distopian, YA and romance. Everything I write is visual, so I'm looking to team up with any screenwriter who happens to take to one of my books (I have ten published and nine with my agent). I've written radio plays before, but it has been a very long time since I attempted a screenplay. Any other novelists would be welcome as buddies, too!

The one book I’ve written that heads the list is a non-fantastical female Iron Man, called Iron Maiden. I went for very high commercial appeal, exotic settings and very diverse characters. I would class it as an espionage thriller. The three characters I picked to save the world (so to speak), are a young paraplegic girl, a hefty African-American nurse/manager and a white gay guy, addicted to Barbara Streisand records. It actually works in this character mode. Here's a longish tagline: “A paraplegic woman secrets an exotic military combat exoskeleton out of the country for her boyfriend (who is a traitor and uses her as a mule), and then must use it against a thieving military terrorist group on a Cuban-controlled island." I can send a synopsis to anyone who would like one.

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