Hello, my creative colleagues. Basically, I need advice, so that my exuberance revolving around my project does not lead me to unwise actions. Basically, I would like to know how much fear is healthy, and for how long I ought to let that hold me back from producing a screenplay, ( I mean the film based on the screenplay). And if I can be referred to a crew, and potentially actor and actress talent as well, that would be wonderful. Walking out the door right now. Perhaps we can discuss this in more depth later. Feel free to reach out over this website. And then if it is simpler, I am happy to speak by phone if that is easier. Thank you very much. Good luck with all of your industry endeavors.
I wish you well, David.
Hi David, I read somewhere that your goals should scare you. It's not easy producing a film regardless of the project length. You took the right first step in contacting people whi have done this. It would be best to have a plan for the film after production (festivals; which are best for your subject, distribution) so that folks interested in joining your project canget as exuberant as you. Where can I learn more about your screenplay?
Hi, Roy, (and Collier, if you are seeing this too; and if you are, I wish you the best too, and I thank you for your well wishes). Anyway, Roy, I just saw your post again from a few months ago, and I'm glad I did. I wanted to write you sooner. Basically, my film script is your typical love story. I would like to believe it is unique, but I suppose every screenwriter likes to believe they have a unique story. I'm not sure how much you want to find out about it. I suppose maybe I could send a short portion of it if you wish. But otherwise, just know that it falls under the romance genre, I suppose. I hope you have been having good luck with your pursuits in this new year, in the industry. Take care.
Its better to chase your dreams with fear than to be pursued by regret. If your dreams dont scare you, theyre not big enough. Best wishes David!
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I agree with @Beck. I feel Its more fearful to be in a position of NOT being able to pursue dreams, than it is to be actually pursuing them. Imagine the boredom, dread and frustration if there was no opportunity at all in the first place, or you chose not to do it and then looked back in anger. I understand there is a "Trepidation" when embarking on a project, but this is more violent excitement than actual fear. There are different layers and types of fear, use the anticipation you particularly feel, to fuel the fire. Not put it out!
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Fear of what?...Of success, of failure, of imaginary gremlins... Fear in combat is natural and healthy in that it supports your natural self preservation instinct. Once you have succeeded as a writer - others will do their damndest to tear you down - is that your fear? We all fail somewhere along the way - so what - learn from it, dust yourself off and have another go at it. If you can't/won't move on - you have made a terminal error as a writer but not as a brain surgeon or aerospace engineer....