Introduce Yourself : Hello by Donovan Barlow

Donovan Barlow


I know it's early but Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all. I've been a member of Stage32 for a few years now and it's still the best place ever. This year has been great for me. I sold my first feature script to an independent production company. I've started a few new projects as well. Also, my TV and film scoring series is back, which can be seen on the platform. We have two new scores posted.

Day one of our Christmas event-

Our score from Superhero Saturday-

We have a FB page now-

Currently, I'm working on a new TV pilot (Sit-Com). I'm about 12 pages in and so far so good. I hope all of you have had an amazing year. Welcome to Stage32.

Laurie Woodward

Congrats! And Happy Holidays to you!

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